
my personal blog...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Outing during the 2nd week of PRCP to Marche...

28th April 2007
Hello everyone, the time now is 4:57pm. I just finish watching the 1st episode of Goong. I finally have time for this drama. Anyway, I went out with my friends yesterday after attachment. I was having morning shift yesterday. I went home after the shift. It was raining very heavily when I left home for Vivo City.

I took SBS222, looping Chai Chee estate. The path leading to Bedok MRT station beside Bedok Interchange was flooded till ankle-height. I was wearing my slippers. I almost slip and fell into the flooded area. Thank Lord I didn't. I crossed over via underpass to the other side because the taxi stand is there. I manage to flag down one taxi.

I reached Vivo City at around 5pm. JoSpastic reached early after her shift. I met up with her at OSIM store before heading towards HarbourFront MRT station to meet CharGom & SoftyGom. We decided to head over to Marche to have our late lunch. The four of us went into Marche feeling so homely because the settings there resembles cottage house.

We walked around the Marche surveying the food before ordering 4set of dishes to share while waiting for the rest to arrive. MamaGom & ActPrettyGom arrived together. ChriSpastic & her boyfriend, Kelvin arrived a while later. The last person was Melvin. After eating, we sent off SoftyGom to work. She worked night shift yesterday.

We went to CoffeeBean for a chat and IceBlended Coffee. Melvin treated us again. Thank you Melvin. Next time, it will be my treat! I left Vivo City at around 9plus reaching home at around 10:30pm. I had my dinner before sleeping. Thank God for such a wonderful day. Jesus, you are my one and only saviour and I will not forget you ever. Thanks for healing my hip pain. Although I still feel pain sometimes, I know you will heal me in time to come because you are my healer. I'm truly apologise to you for the wrongdoings I've done in the week and today Lord. I pray for your forgiveness. In your most precious name I pray, amen.

Here are some pics I took during our outing yesterday:

Veal Sausage, designed by CharGom...
I forgotten the name of this dish, anyway it is Fried Potato...

Mushroom Crepes, the best dish we had...
CharGom & SoftyGom...
JoSpastic munching on the potato, Mmm Yummy...
MamaGom & the forever ActPrettyGom...
The loving couple, ChriSpastic & Kelvin...
ChriSpastic, CharGom, SoftyGom, Me, JoSpastic, MamaGom & ActPrettyGom...
Kelvin, ChriSpastic, CharGom, SoftyGom, Me, JoSpastic, Melvin, MamaGom & ActPrettyGom...

That's all for today's blog. The time is 5:32pm. I will be starting my last week of PRCP on Mon. Tues will be a public holiday, Labour Day! God bless you all. Here's a qoute for you guys:

When you believe in what you do, you will have faith in making the best out of it. Do it according to His words and you will not be led astray...

Blessed weekend ahead! Cya! ! !

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wonderful yet busy day. . .

26th April 2007
Good evening to you guys reading this. The time now is 4:39pm. I had a wonderful yet busy day. I learnt so much from admission to transfering and upgrading of patients. It had been a fruitful week so far. Thank Lord for a fruitful week. You blessed me with the staff whom are willing to spend their time to guide me and my fellow classmates. Thank you once again, in your precious name I pray, amen.

A funny incident happened today. Elaine bought Cadbury Chocolates from 7-eleven when she was haing her breaktime with us. She asked us to share the chocolates with her so I open up the packing. I was pleasantly surprised to see a four times bigger size of chocolate in there. I took it out to show Elaine. Everyone who saw that laugh out loud and hysterically. We called the huge chunk of chocolate, Tumour Choc!

I took three pics of this Tumour Choc, before it ended in my stomach. It's digested in my stomach now. Here are the pics:

Tumour Choc with the packing...

Elaine holding the normal size choc on the left, I'm holding on to Tumour Choc on the right...
After sinking my teeth into Tumour Choc

I had my drug test just now at 1plus 2pm. It was alright. I pray that I will pass this small test. I want to play some games before having my dinner. God bless and take care. Cya. . .

Sunday, April 22, 2007

I love this Sunday oh Lord Jesus!

22nd April 2007
A big Hi to everyone reading this. How you have been doing today? How's your weekends? Some of you are working on Saturday & Sunday. I pray for the energy for you who are not getting enough rest. I hereby praying for MandaGom, CharGom, SoftyGom, NeptuneGom, JoSpastic & Sarah. I pray for wisdom and concentration for the attachment ahead. Lord Jesus Christ, guide them through these few weeks. Thank you Lord, in your precious name I pray, amen!

I went to church with my younger sis today. My elder sis still feeling sick and nausea so she did not go with us. After church service, we went to MacDonald's to have our lunch. My younger sis practice her Math too. After which, we went home by SBS7. I went to East Coast Park with my elder sis. She want to go to the beach for a stroll and drink Avacado Milkshake. We went to East Coast Park at around 2plus.

The storm almost blew past us. We went home feeling a bit down but still satisfied. My elder sis treated my grand dad and grandma to a popular Chinese Restaurant at Bedok North. That is the only outlet in Singapore. The food were delicious. It was so splendid. I love the desert most. We went home feeling so full. My pants almost explode when I was walking towards the bus stop.

Anyway, I met Fairus to get my bag. Thank you Fairus. Thanks for buying the bag and bringing it to my house area. Thank you so much.

Here's some pics I took today, enjoy:

Going home from church passing by Nicoll Highway with National Stadium in a distance...

Ever-developing Singapore (Circle Line)...

This will be the future Geylang HDB where my elder sis and her husband-to-be Paul live in future...
Homemade Avacado Milkshake...

Me & my Avacado Milkshake! Haha...
Elder sis & her Avacado Milkshake...
Drinking our Avacado Milkshake...
Our legs...
The breakwater that we were on with Bedok Jetty in a distance...

Lady fishing at the other corner of the breakwater...
Elder Sis...
Me, myself & I...

That's all for today's blog article. Thanks for dropping by and God bless you abundantly. Blessed week ahead. I will be starting the 5th week of attachment tomorrow in the afternoon. I love this Sunday oh Lord Jesus! Keep me in your prayers and I'll keep you in my too. I want to pray for ActPrettyGom, MamaGom, ChriSpastic & YiWei for guidance and the energy to work tomorrow. Cya. . .

Saturday, April 21, 2007

A tiring Saturday...

21st April 2007
Good evening guys, it's been a tiring day today. I woke up in the morning still feeling tired. I mop the floor with my dad and elder sis. After that, I meet up with Fairus to pass him the money for buying my new bag. I have yet to recieve my new bag because he will buy the bag tomorrow. I will be collecting the bag from him tomorrow.

I went for a long bus trip from Bedok to Boon Lay by SBS30. It was a very long journey. My butt hurts dearly.I use to travel long distance without feeling tired but it's different now. I felt so tired on the bus. Oh Lord grant me the energy again. I pray that you re-energise me before Mon's attachment. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

I met up with my sis at Kembangan Mrt station before taking the same bus to Bedok Interchange to have a quick bite. After that, we went to the Pasar Malam to shop. My younger sis bought loads of stickers. She love tickets. I bought my favourite SpongeBob SquarePants stickers too. We walked home after that. When we reached home, we saw Paul. He finished his dinner. My elder sis, dad and mum were in the kitchen whereas we were in the living room watching MediaCorp CHannel 5, The Confession of the TeenageDramaQueen.

I had a wonderful yet tiring day. It is night time now. The time is 10:09pm now. I want to have my knockout sleep now. Cya. . .

Friday, April 20, 2007

Woke up from my sleep...

20th April 2007
The time is 8:55pm. I woke up from my sleep. My night shift are finally over. The 2nd night was very tiring. I reached home at around 9am. Next week, we will be having a small test on drugs. Lord I pray that I can remember the drugs indications and side effects. Thank you for healing my left hip pain. In your most precious name I pray, amen.

I actually headed for my bed at 3pm in the afternoon after watching Il Mare, the Korean movie. I love the movie. It really touches my heart at all the right time; filling my heart with warmth and comfort. There's a Hollywood version of this movie entitled, The Lake House, starring Sandra Bullock & Keenu Reeves. Go watch it, you will love it.

Here are some pics I took for the past few days:

Me, myself & I at night...

Elder Sis after mopping the floor...

Crazy Younger sis...
Me & Nurul, my friend that I haven't see her since O Levels days. I did not see her for 3years. Finally meet up again...

That's all for today. God bless everyone, have a good rest YiWei, MamaGom, ActPrettyGom & Sarah. Our night shift are finally over. For Sarah, your night shift over my tonight. God bless the rest of my friends in other hospital too. Amen! Cya. . .

Thursday, April 19, 2007

My 1st Night Shift experience!

19th April 2007
Good morning everyone, the time is 10:09am. I just had my breakfast. My 1st night shift ended 2hours earlier. I went home 1hr after 7am because I was passing over the report to the morning shift. My night shift started from 9pm yesterday. It was a fresh and new never before experience.

We recieved the passing over report from 9pm to about 9:50pm. After that, we went to take a look at all our patients. We started writing our report at around 11plus. We finished at aorund 1plus. Me and YiWei went for our 1hr break in the tearoom. We ate our supper and take a short nap on the sofa. After our break we went to check on our patients again. They were resting well. Nil complaint of anything.

ActPrettyGom and MamaGom went for break. Me and YiWei went to reorganise the case files and read through the cases that we wrote for report to see whether we left out anything or Doctor's new orders. Time past slowly till 4am. Me, YiWei and our staff nurse in charge went to trolley bath 3patients. After that we went slacking at the nurses' counter. There's really nothing to do.

The morning shift staff nurses arrived at around 5plus 6am. The morning papers were here so I read the newspapers. At 6:40am, we went into the tearoom to take our learning guide. The morning shift student nurses arrived. Some were having breakfast. Some were resting on the sofas.

At 7:10am, we started passing report. YiWei passed hers before my turn which ended at 8am. We went home feeling happy yet tired. Tonight will be our 2nd and last night shift of our whole NYP attachment. God bless us with the energy and concentration that you blessed us with for our 1st night shift. Thank you for staying by us and guide us. Thank you for the staff nurses and enrolled nurses who are willing to guide us along too. God bless everyone working with us. Thank you Lord Jesus. In your name I pray, amen.

I'm going to play Audition now. Have a blessed day ahead! Cya! ! !

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Miracle Pub - Loving The Enemy

18th April 2007
Good morning to you all reading this blog. It is 6:54am. I woke up at around 5plus in the morning. I will be taking a nap again at 1pm till 5pm. I just finish watching a miniseries of Miracle Pub. There are 5-part to this miniseries. Miracle Pub is a 5part series thats tells about lives and struggles of ex-convicts. People who are rejected by society. These people find acceptance and a second chance at the Miracle Pub.

This part is entitled Loving The Enemy. Starring Zhou Hou Ren, Huang Yi Liang, Lin Ming Zhe and more. A short summary taken directly from the VCD:

Long [Huang Yi Liang] has been the head of a mobster gang all his life. Having served his sentence for manslaughter, he makes up his mind to change. Long seeks help from his good friend, 988 [Zhou Hou Ren] at the Miracle Pub. This episode puts J (988's assistance) [Lin Ming Zhe] to the test as Long is the one who had killed J's brother many years ago. As 988's assistance, is he able to help his enemy, Long, or will he, seek revenge instead?

If you want to watch this miniseries - Miracle Pub. I only have Loving The Enemy. It was passed to me by my Elder Sis. I can lend it to you. Anyways, God bless you all.

Oh Lord, I'm back to Square 1 again. I've sinned against you yet again. I really need to for go all the temptation and I need your guidance. I always not following you. I want you to take control of my life now Lord. I ask for your forgiveness. Lead me on Lord. In your precious name I pray, amen.

Let's see what meaningful things I can do next. What will I expect for my night shift today? The sun is up. Beautiful dawn scenery awaits. It is 7:09am now. A new day arrived. I just remember a quote:

There can be miracles, when you believe...
Alright, I have to go. Deep down inside your heart, release your burden and trust in Him for He will help you through. I been through so many obstacles. I still have a long way to go. Live your life to the fullest. Don't live for the past. Live for the future because you do not know what will happen tomorrow. DO NOT worry for a new day to come. Smile sincerely. Give what you decided in your heart to give, as what I always said to myself. Blessed day ahead. Cya...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm chatting on MSN...

17th April 2007
Hello everyone! How you all doing? The time now is 10:16pm. I'm still awake typing my blog and chatting on MSN with my friends. I was morning shift for today. Tomorrow I will be night shift. It will be my 1st night shift. I wonder what I will be doing for my night shift.

I went to Square 2 with my younger sis in the evening at around 5pm. We took SBS5 to Novena Square then walked through to Square 2. She went to buy her seaweed forher Home Economics Practical for the O Levels. Lord I pray that she will do her best and praise the Lord. Lord guide her along and bless her with energy so she can concentrate on her practical. Amen.

I bought Demi Soda again. I love the wonderful Fruity drink which was feature in HanaKimi. I bought 2Korean cup noodles for the break time of my night shift. Lord I pray that you give me the concentration of doing all skills that I am about to present to on my night shift. I pray for the focus and energy. Thank you for helping me through these weeks of attachment. I won't be having a fruitful learning experience without you Lord Jesus! I'm sorry for anything that I've done wrong. I hereby asking for your forgiveness. Thank you for forgiving me always. In your highest and most precious name I pray, amen.

I will be sleeping soon. My parents are asking me to sleep early and wake up early tomorrow to do my own things. Then sleep for a while before going for my night shift at 9pm. Let's see how I can adjust the timing. I can't wait for the night shift to come. It will be challenging yet fun experience I suppose. I pray that those working night shift to have the energy to concentrate too. Amen.

I will be getting my new bag in less than 4days time. Alright, I want to log off now. The time is 10:33pm now. Have a goodnight sleep guys. God bless all and blessed week ahead. Cya!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Back from church cum bus trip...

15th April 2007
Good evening everyone, the time is 6:33pm now. I just reached home with my younger sis. I went to church at around 8plus in the morning. My left hip still hurts. The pain is on and off. I did not have a good rest last night. Once I turn my body to the side, the pain comes sharply. I need to walk slowly now. I got a strong feeling that I strain my ligaments and muscles of my left hip joint.

Anyway, today's speaker was from Sweden. Mr. Christian Heim. He preached about the topic: The Presence And The Power of God. It's all about knowing God in our personal life & prayer life; being a vessel or a partner for God in order to become a blessing so that God's knowledge and his power will be made known and flow through us.

Our cell group today talks about the topic: Thou shalt save sex for later.
The 2main points are:
1) GOD is the creator & designer of sex
2) GOD created sex to be a beautiful expression of love IN MARRIAGE
Marriage is a convenent too. It is all about staying true to your spouse.
Read Proverbs 4:23, Hebrews 13:4, 1Corinthians 6:18-20 to understand further.

After cell group, My youger sis and I went home together. I decided to take a bus trip on the new SBS175 from Geylang Lor 1 terminal to Clementi Interchange. It was a pleasant trip. I wonder will there be two new bus service in Bedok because there will be two empty berth when CSS608 cease its operation on the 30th April 2007. Let's wait and see then.

Tomorrow will be the starting of the 4th week of my PRCP in CGH. Mon & Tues will be morning shift. Wed & Thurs are night shift from 9pm till 7am. Lord I pray for the energy for the week of attachement. I pray for your guidance in the skills I perform and things I do. I pray that I will have a better time management so I can finish my job as soon as possible. Thank you Jesus Christ, in your precious name I pray, Amen.

I have to go now, my mum asking me to eat dinner now. Cya. . .

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Half day out. . .

14th April 2007
Good evening everyone, how are you guys doing? I'm doing fine. The time now is 11:27pm and I'm still awake. I woke up at around 10plus in the morning. I had my lunch before mopping the floor. I finished at about 2:55pm. I went to VIVO city for a window shop and visit my friend, Fairus. He is working in Mizuno. I wanted to buy a new bag from Mizuno. My current bag is spoiling soon. There's a big hole at the bottom of my bag.

All my friends have been asking me about my bag. Now I'm telling to all who wants me to buy a brand new bag, 'I'm buying a new bag!'

Alright, I have to go for now, have a goodnight rest ans have a blessed Sunday ahead! Cya! ! !

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

FINAL results of my 3years Nursing course...

10th April 2007
Good morning everyone! The time is 12:44am and I'm still awake. I will be working afternoon shift tomorrow. I was awake to check my results due today. I pass all modules! Thank God for helping me through this 3years of Nursing course. Without you I will not make it at all. Jesus, thanks for your guidance all these while. I love you my precious Lord! In your highest name I pray, amen!

Alritght, I'm going for a wonderful good rest! Cya. . .

Monday, April 09, 2007

1st day of the 3th week of PRCP...

9th April 2007
Good morning to you. It's been a long time since I type my blog in the morning. The time now is 10:41am, in about 1hour's time I will be leaving for CGH for my PRCP. Today will be the 1st day of the 3rd week of my PRCP. I had a wonderful sleep last night. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me a peaceful sleep last night. Oh Lord I pray that you forgive me for the wrongdoings I've done. I'm praying for your guidance Lord. In your precious name I pray, amen.

I will not be cooking the instant porridge I bought yesterday. I will be having lunch at home. My mum bought Nasi Lemak. I will be having dinner at CGH instead. I don't think I will be eating a lot today.
Anyway, I took pics of my newly added Softy Medium. Now I have Softy Jr & Medium. Here's 2pics of them:
1st shot...
2nd and final shot...

Take good care of yourself, especially your health. God bless you all. He will never forsake you at all. Cya. . .

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Pocky Advertisement Craze. . .

8th April 2007
Good evening everyone, the time now is 5pm and I'm Pocky craze now. I was watching the Pocky Advertisement shown in YouTube. I find that Japanese Advertisement are both creative & humorous at the same time. I was laughing at it just now. I posted 3 Pocky Advertisement on the Videos specially chosen 4 U segment of my blog, enjoy.

Anyway, my elder sis and I just reached home from church. I had cell group today. I was leading the worship today. Thank God for guiding me! In your precious name I pray, amen. After cell group, My sis's boyfriend, Paul fetched us to Plaza Singapura via his cosy car. We went to Diaso to stock up our tibits. We bought the magnetic bracelet and patch instead.

We took SBS7 all the way to Bedok Interchange because it was raining heavily. We went searching for avacado store in the hawker centre but in vain so we went home. I bought Instant Porridge from the FairPrice near my house. it is sold at 95cents. I bought four packets. I thought of cooking for the attachement this coming week. Let's see whether I will cook for the afternoon or morning shift.

Tomorrow will be the 1st day of my 4th week of PRCP in CGH. I'm looking forward to it. Lord Jesus I pray that you guide me through yet another week of attachment. I pray that I will remember the knowledge that I studied and put to use in the hospital setting. I pray that I will do my best in everything that is presented to me, all I need is your guidance oh Lord. Thanks for believing in me and carrying me through the past weeks. You are my almighty saviour and most of all my one and only Lord. Lord I pray that you forgive me for the sins I comitted. In your most precious name I pray, amen.

I will leave you with a quote for this Easter Sunday:

If Easter says anything to us today, it says this: You can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there. You can nail it to a cross, wrap it in winding sheets and shut it up in a tomb, but it will RISE!
- Clarence W. Hall
Think about it my fellow friends. Cya. . .

Saturday, April 07, 2007

A Cool Saturday ahead!

7th April 2007
Good afternoon everyone, the time is 4:25pm now. I just finish mopping the floor. We finish late because we started mopping the floor at around 1plus. My cousin came to explain somethings to my dad so we can't start before that. Anyway, how's your day today? Feeling great? A storm blew past my area. It is so cooling now. This will be a great time to make a trip down to East Coast Park for a stroll.
I'm waiting for my dad and elder sis to prepare before heading to the John Little Sale at Singapore Expo. What should I buy there? I'm not sure, I'm going to take a look at what they have for offer then I make up my mind. I'm currently listening to Tank's latest album which feature two HanaKimi songs.

Here's a poster of the Japanese Movie I watched yesterday:

Nada Sou Sou movie poster...

Thanks for dropping by. May God bless you all abundantly. To Jihan I just want to say sorry. CYA! ! !

Friday, April 06, 2007

A day out on Good Friday...

6th April 2007
Good evening everyone, how are you guys doing? The time now is 11:00pm. I went for a movie, Nada Sou Sou at GV Vivo City. I used my GV Voucher to buy the movie ticket. I went for the movie with my Younger Sis and we love the movie very much. It is the best movie we watched this year so far. The movie title, Nada Sou Sou is actually the same title of a a Japanese Folk Song.

Joi Chua cover the song in her Sunrise album, which is also the theme of the then MediaWorks Channel U Drama. Click on the Nada Sou Sou video to watch a live version of the song.


Lord Jesus help us to clean up this virus mess. Thank you Lord! Amen! have a good night sleep, cya...