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Thursday, April 19, 2007

My 1st Night Shift experience!

19th April 2007
Good morning everyone, the time is 10:09am. I just had my breakfast. My 1st night shift ended 2hours earlier. I went home 1hr after 7am because I was passing over the report to the morning shift. My night shift started from 9pm yesterday. It was a fresh and new never before experience.

We recieved the passing over report from 9pm to about 9:50pm. After that, we went to take a look at all our patients. We started writing our report at around 11plus. We finished at aorund 1plus. Me and YiWei went for our 1hr break in the tearoom. We ate our supper and take a short nap on the sofa. After our break we went to check on our patients again. They were resting well. Nil complaint of anything.

ActPrettyGom and MamaGom went for break. Me and YiWei went to reorganise the case files and read through the cases that we wrote for report to see whether we left out anything or Doctor's new orders. Time past slowly till 4am. Me, YiWei and our staff nurse in charge went to trolley bath 3patients. After that we went slacking at the nurses' counter. There's really nothing to do.

The morning shift staff nurses arrived at around 5plus 6am. The morning papers were here so I read the newspapers. At 6:40am, we went into the tearoom to take our learning guide. The morning shift student nurses arrived. Some were having breakfast. Some were resting on the sofas.

At 7:10am, we started passing report. YiWei passed hers before my turn which ended at 8am. We went home feeling happy yet tired. Tonight will be our 2nd and last night shift of our whole NYP attachment. God bless us with the energy and concentration that you blessed us with for our 1st night shift. Thank you for staying by us and guide us. Thank you for the staff nurses and enrolled nurses who are willing to guide us along too. God bless everyone working with us. Thank you Lord Jesus. In your name I pray, amen.

I'm going to play Audition now. Have a blessed day ahead! Cya! ! !


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