
my personal blog...

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

If I Ain't Got You - Paul, Leon & Marc

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Learning from mistakes...

6th March 2012, 2340hrs.
Good evening to all. Hi I'm back again! Just finish bathing. Now taking a rest soon after I end this blog.

I have to learn to be better and not follow sheep what others doing. How can someone learn from no mistake? Everyone learns from mistakes and be a better person. I want to thank my colleagues for pointing out things that I can improve. Without them telling me, sometimes I might not even know. Thank God for putting people around me guiding me each step I take.

Thank God for all the blessings I received from you oh Lord. I'm deeply grateful for your love and blessings. Lord I pray that you will continue to mould my heart to make it more like you. Change the harden hearts of many and I pray that their hearts will turn to you soon :) thank you Jesus Christ. In your name I pray, amen.

Okay, I'm sleeping now. It's 2349hrs. Goodnight folks! Love all of you and God bless in abundance :) cheers!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Praying for a miracle...

15th February 2012, 2250hrs.
Hi everyone, it's been so many years that I blog an entry here. I'm back again. Yes. As you can see from my title of this entry, I'm praying for a miracle to happen. I'm sure it will happen but not sure when.

Just a brief update of my life. I've ORD since 2009. Currently working in Changi General Hospital, Cardiology Department for two years three months. I'm newly promoted. I'm attach to a beautiful lady, Amanda. We are together for almost two years. I've just been through a High-Key ICT, my 1st ever ICT. Haha! I'll be studying again soon, thank God for it!

I would like to thank God for everything He had done in my life over this few years. He has bless me with abundance! I'm really grateful for what He had done for me. I'm sure and continue to keep my faith that He, Jesus Christ will help me through joyful and difficult times. He always protect me from any dangers or harm. Thank you so much Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you Father Lord! Amen.

I'll post about the miracle soon! Please do keep me in prayers and pray for my relationship with my dearest girlfriend :) thank you all and God bless.

Goodnight everyone, it's 2301hrs. Have a pleasant night rest...

Monday, July 26, 2010

A good rest...

26th July 2010, Monday, 1531hrs
Good afternoon to all who are reading this. It is indeed a cool afternoon. It had been drizzling since early morning. Thank God for this good rest. I got injury on my right foot and it hinders my movement while walking. I limp a bit while walking but feeling better now compared to a few days ago. I want to thank God for helping me and healing me each and everyday. Thank you Lord Jesus!

I want to say a big thank you to all my family, relatives, friends and colleagues for their care and concern. I'm very grateful! :)

I will be back to work on Wed, morning shift. I want to apologise to my colleagues for coming back for my duties because I was on MC. Thank you so much for helping. You are really grately appreciated dearly :)

Lord I pray that you help me when I'm back to work. I pray that you will decrease the pain or take away the pain from my right foot when I work & while I'm walking. Thank you Lord for your care and love! In your precious name, I pray, amen.

God bless all abundantly :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I want to thank God for helping me solve this proplem...

17th June 2010, Thursday, 1611hrs
Oh Lord thank you for helping me with the problems that I faced. Thank God for reminding me always to keep everything need and tidy.

Lord I want to thank you for helping me with this problem:
I am the leader of the Musical for the Nurses Day at CGH. The audition was on the 15th June 2010. That's the day that I'm in church camp. I was really worried that everyone will scold me for being irresponsible. Lord I'm sorry for being irresponsible to the rest of the group and my NM.

When I reached Singapore, I called my ward for my week schedule and asked if Sister around because I need to talk to her. Afterwhich I called Sheela and apologise to her regarding the absence for the audition and made everyone so anxious. Thank God for her forgiveness! Praise to you Lord.

I called my NM after that to apologise to her too for my absence. She said she was disappointed and I felt sorry for that. I reassured her that if there is another musical in future, we will join and try out. Thank God for everything, I wouldn't have called my NM if not for you Lord. Thank you Lord.

I'm glad that everything's fine now. Praise the Lord.

Lord I pray for your continuous blessing. Lord I pray for you to be the master of my heart that I will yearn for you everyday of my life. Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord. In your most high name I pray, amen.

Monday, March 29, 2010

So long since I log in to blog...

29th March 2010, sunny, 10:54am

Good morning to all of you guys. It's been exactly 3months since I've log into my blog to blog. How are all of you doing? I'm still working as a Staff Nurse in CGH. I'm still loving my job a lot.

Recently I spent lots of time facebook-ing. Now I'm currently fasting on Farmville & CafeWorld that I was addicted to. I've been fasting from the games for around 1week plus. I did not give a limitation fasting period to fast. I shall see how long can I fast from the games then. Please pray for me? Thank you.

I'm working afternoon shift later so I pray that I can do my best for the day itself and not worrying on things that does not need my worries. I pray for wisdom too. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.

I'm going to prepare myself for work. I will blog again soon. Have a wonderful week ahead. May God bless your week ahead! :)

...paul preparing for work...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tomorrow will be the 30th December 2009...

29th December 2009, clear, 9:00pm

Hi guys, I know it's been a long time since I update my blog. There are so many changes this few weeks. I got a job at Changi Genral Hospital as a Staff Nurse in a Cardio Ward. I still have loads of things to familiarise and learn so Lord I pray that you will guide me and help me along the way. In anything I do, Lord I pray for your guidance. Thank you Lord for giving me this stable job. All praises to you.

Anyway, I will be leading worship this coming 31st December watch night service in church. Lord I pray that I won't be there to perform for the church but to worship you, you alone. Lord I pray for your forgiveness for anything I've done wrong. Thank you for your mercy Lord Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow's date is 30th December, it will be the 2nd last day of 2009. Have you guys wonder how this year went by for you? Are there anything you want to give thanks? I got loads of stuffs to give praise to the Lord.

Firstly I want to thank God for letting me experience the 2 years of army. It was an extraordinary experience that I will not experience in civilian life. I really miss those times in camp, especially when during my Medic course, Leopard Days and Clementi Medical Centre times. My longest days spent in army was in Clementi Medical Centre. I've met so many friends there. I want to thank them for being there for me when in need, helping me and walking by each and everyday of the army life. Thank you so much. You guys are missed dearly!

Secondly, I like to thank God for giving me the chance to go for church camp. This year's church camp was my 1st ever. I wanted to go in 2008 but can't due to things to fulfill in army. I want to go for the church camp next year and I know God will work things out for me to allow the few days to be free for me to take leaves. Lord I put my trust in you to make it happen. Even though it may not happen I still will praise you Jesus! Thank you.

Thirdly, I want to thank God for giving me a job at Changi General Hospital. Thank God for giving me an air-con ward. Thank God for giving me nurses that are so ever willing to help me through everyday. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.

There are still lots of things to thank God but I got to stop here before I go on and on. Haha!

I will thank God for the rest in my heart.

I will be working afternoon shift tomorrow. My 1st afternoon shift ever after a long 1month plus of morning shifts.

I got to go. Have a great last to days of 2009. Blessed week ahead. Goodnight to all :) Take care.

...paul logging off now...