
my personal blog...

Monday, November 20, 2006

I'm going to the beach later!

20th Nov 2006
Hello guys, it is 12:10pm now. It is mid-day! I'm going to the beach at 1pm. I'm so happy because finally I can step my feet onto the sand of East Coast Beach again! I'm rejoicing! I will be going to ECP with my sisters.

Thanks to my younger sis for the chesse rollar coaster tibits. I love chesse. Chesse rules!!!

Anyway, yesterday I slept at 2:30am because I was playing audition. That was the 1st time I played audition for a long time. Finally I'm at Level 5! I have been waiting for this level.

Yesterday evening I went to my distant great Aunt's funeral. The last time I saw her was last year's Chinese New Year. I miss her dearly. Thank Lord for bringing her home to you. She accepted Christ during her last 2 months of her life. She is suffering from cancer but she did not die of a painful death. She went peacefully. Thank God for everything! Amen.

Alright I have to go now. I have to prepare to go to the beach. CYA!!!


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