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Monday, November 06, 2006

It's Monday!

6th Nov 2006
It is a sunny Monday! The time is 2:13pm now. I just finish mopping the floor with my dad. My dad slip and fall just now, hope he is fine. Lord I pray that the ache from my dad will be taken away. Thank you my precious Lord Jesus. I just finish bathing about 5mins ago. The water is just nice for bathing.

I thought of having a road trip with my younger sis today but she is working from 4pm to 8pm. Let me see, should I go alone or not go at all. I'm thinking hard now.

Never mind then, I will finish typing this article then I see whether to go or not.

My elder sis is watching a World War Two movie about Hilter on her laptop. Sounds cool although I do not understand a single German. Talking about language, I thought of learning Korean in this one month holiday. I'm going to learn how to speak with my younger sis. Oh yes I still have 3Korean Drama VCDs not watch yet.

I'm still thinking about yesterday's Sinking Of Japan. Actually it is a fact that Japn is actually sinking into the Pacific ocean but at a ver very slow rate per year. As what I learnt in Secondary school, The pacific plate is more dense than the Eurasia Plate. The Pacific plate is more dense because of the volume of water (Pacific Ocean). The Eurasia Plate consist of mostly land therefore less dense.

Surrounding the Pacific plate is the Ring of Fire, a term which describe the activeness of the Volcanoes and the movement of the earth around the plate. There is a very deep trench of the coast of Japan and Philippines.

I love Geography. I miss the subject so much. How I wish I can further study on my Pure Geography.

It is 2:28pm and I have to go. I think I will go on a road trip alone. I will be leaving with my younger sis. Thank God for everything that you have done for me. Almighty Lord, My precious one & only Jesus I love you so much. In Jesus name I pray Amen! Cya. . .


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