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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Just finish watching drama...

7th Nov 2006
Good evening everyone, it is 10:23pm now. I just finish watching Channel 8's new drama starring Ivy Lee, Jin Yin Ji, May Phua and more. Superd drama. I like the Ah ma's acting skills. Long time never see her on screen.

The softy jr. I bought is right in front of me smiling at me! So cute!!!

Anyway, tomorrow I'm going out. I will be enjoying myself tomorrow! I'm so happy. The softy jr. makes me very happy too. Hi softy jr.! I just took a few photos of it. I'll show you guys when the pics are saved into my desktop.

I'm currently waiting for my younger sis to chat with me. She is still busy doing her own stuffs. Oh she is back in and she is bullying my softy jr.! I'm going to kill her!!! Just kidding. I'm so happy.

Alright since she is back I'll stop here. God bless you guys who is reading this article. Thank God for the days ahead! I love you Jesus! Be grateful for each and everyday.

Quote of the day:
Why worry for an hour when your life not extend for another hour?

Think about it. Cya. . .


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