
my personal blog...

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Good Evening everyone!

Sep 30th 2006
Good evening to everyone. It is 10:08pm. I just came back from Singapore Expo. I went to there for a tour fair with my daddy and my younger sis. I really hope that this year end, November, I can get to go to Korea/Japan. My dad wants to go to Taiwan. I went to most of the Korea & Japan booth. I hope I can have a chance to go to Korea before I go for my National Service next year. I want to go to Jeju Island to see the culture there plus Mt Halasan.

Anyway I will be having my finger cross for at least a trip outside Singapore! Not Sentosa but a trip to other country! My dream country is Korea. I heard from my younger sis that there's a website for learning how to speak and write Korean. I'm learning from there. I will be getting the website from my sis to learn Korean as soon as possible. I in love with Korea! [I still like my homeland Singapore]

It's 10:16pm. I'm going church tomorrow. I'm waking up at around 7:30am. My elder sis's boyfriend will be coming to fetch us to church at 8:20am sharp. Hope I won't be late again. I'm passing some of my notes to a friend tomorrow at Bedok Interchange at around four tomorrow too.

I actually overslept today. I'm suppose to meet my friend at 11am today to pass my notes but I switch off my handphone. I forgotten to set my alarm to wake myself up. Oh Lord I'm sorry. I'm glad that my friend doesn't mind at all. Thank you Lord. I pray that you forgive me for being so careless and making my friend waiting for me. I'm very sorry.

Thank you Lord Jesus for everything that you have done for me. Love you lots!
These are some of the pictures of my Final Year Project [FYP]. .

A trip to Whatever Cafe in Chinatown:

I will be showing you more in a later blog. It's 11:00am, thanks for popping by. God blass and cya. . .


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