
my personal blog...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I'm sleeping soon. . .

Sep 14th 2006
It's 1:03am.
Hi everyone. Welcome back to my blog. How is your day like? I just came back from Jihan's house. It's so late now.
I'm transfering some of my Final Year Project's files and documents to my sister's labtop then to my home computer. I officially lost my thumbdrive! I'm so distraught now! So disappointed!
Anyway I'm starting class later at 9am. So I'm sleeping soon.
I'm going to set my alarm now.

Ok, set at 6:45am. Haha!

To Jihan:
I'm sorry that I showed you face after Mental Health tutorial. Sorry for being so sensitive to jokes. I sincerely apologise to you Jihan. I'm very sorry. Thanks for forgiving me my dearest friend. I'll learn to control my anger before i sign up for anger management classes. Haha! Ok not funny. Alright that's all I have to say.
To all people who I was insensitive to, I'm sorry. Hope you guys forgive me. I'm sorry.

GOD Bless everyone abundantly.
Lord I pray that you forgive me for the wrongdoing stuffs that I've done. I pray that you give me courage and strength to overcome my temptations and sins. I pray that you give me the energy to study. Thanks for carrying me through those trouble times. I'm so thankful that I found you. So Lord I pray in my precious Jesus name. Amen.

Now it is 1:14am. I'm going off now. Rest well! Take care! Luv you people so much! Cya. . .


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