
my personal blog...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hi everyone once again. . .

Oct 2nd 2006
It is 11:26pm now, how are you people doing? I'm doing fine. I was updating my NS profile. I have to finish updating by tomorrow for booking of the medical checkup day. I hope I still can get a day in November. That is why I must be fast! Haha!

Anywayz congratulations to my classmates who had their clinical assessment today. I'm so happy that you all pass this assessment. Thank God for everything! I love you Lord Jesus!

Tomorrow I'll be having group meeting with my groupmates (Jospastic, Chrispastic, Yuspastic, Hanspastic). We are having meeting on a prject due for presentation next week or so. We realy have to find all our informations soon to start going. Oh Lord help us through, I pray that you help us for our projects Oh Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Time check now is 11:39pm. I have to wake up at 7:45am to go to school.
By the way tomorrow there will be some of my classmates taking the assessment. I hereby pray that they will have a calm mind and do all their best. Have faith in everything you do my friends! I will be here for you my friends, thanks for coming into my life, I really appreciate you guys! Thank God I found you guys. It is a blessing really. Thank God!

Alright I have to go again. I may not be updating for this 3 days. I will come back soon so stay tune to this blog. Thanks for dropping by. CYA!!!


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