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Monday, December 25, 2006

Blessed Christmas!

25th December 2006
Hi everyone, good morning to you all. It is 11:51am now. Blessed Christmas everyone. Christmas is no Christmas without Christ Jesus. We hereby clelebrate the birth of our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!

I went to church yesterday's evening for Christmas Outreach cum party. I was a fun day. Me and my younger sis went to church early for a final practice of our Youth Chasers segment which is the last segment. We did a dance item of I Will Follow Him from Sister Act movie. We had a slideshow done too. Later I will show you one of the slides that I created.

The Christmas Outreach cum Party or Star Gaze officially started at 6pm with a prayer lead by one of the hosts which turns out to be my Elder Sis. After that, me and younger sis went to take our food. I invited some of my friends along but they have something on so not able to make it. To my surprise, one of my attachment friend, MiaoLing aka June came. She brought her younger sis along too. I was overjoyed when I saw them at the doorstep of the church.

She was late but manage to have her dinner. We chatted for a while. I introduced them to some of my church friends and most importantly my Youth Chasers friends. I recived a candy from Leon and Romei. It was so sweet of them.

Our Star Gaze show started at around 8pm. First group was the Senior Saints singing one Hokkien Christian song and one English worship song. Then it went on with other cell group's item. Our Youth Chasers was the last item. Thank God for your guidance because without you, we cannot work out a wonderful job. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, in my precious saviour name I pray, amen.

Here are some pictures of the Star Gaze show last night, hope you enjoy it:

The Senior Saints singing...

Preschool Cell performing a dance cum singing item...

We are the Youth Chasers...

This is one of the slides featured in the slideshow...

Blessed Christmas everyone! I have to go for now. God bless and take care. Cya. . .


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